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Draw Near to God • Psalm 73:28

Writer: Jerry AngueloJerry Anguelo

Updated: Jul 7, 2021

"But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Your works." Psalm 73:28

We are often looking for comfort and safety, but there is nothing more safe or more comforting than God’s presence.

To draw near to God is to take the time to step away from everything else. Make time today to walk away from every desire, every worry, every plan, every thing occupying the place that belongs to God in our hearts and minds.

It is there that we begin to understand how real God is, and we learn to trust Him. It is there that we find the strength to please Him and share His love with the people around us. Draw near to God and He will change your life with His presence.

1 comentario

Florida Surf and Turf
Florida Surf and Turf
10 jul 2021

Thank you, I needed to read this right now at this moment, Lord Jesus thank you for saving me, thank you for protecting my family and myself, thank you for your unconditional love. Amen

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